Hi, I’m Kate Stewart

Who am I? I’m a counselor, business owner, crafter and mom. I started thinking about flirting about 20 years ago when I looked around me and thought “…yeah…but can’t we just talk to each other??” Sure, app dating works (sometimes), and meeting at work, school or church is also an option (unless you’re a mortician, in school online, or not religious). So how do we make connections and find people to date? We interact, in lots of different ways and lots of different settings.

Flirting, at it’s core, is a mystery. Ask anyone to define the term, and you either get shrugs or about five different versions of “like..hitting on someone??”

I define flirting as communication. It can be a “hi,” a wink of the eye, or a joke. Flirting doesn’t mean you are trying to accomplish anything specific with your communications (such as finding someone to date), it can just be something to do to enjoy your time. All I can tell you is the interactions I’ve had with strangers have been some of the most hilarious I’ve ever had.

I’m not here to tell you that you HAVE to flirt. So many people have experienced trauma, and interacting with strangers may not feel safe (and in actuality, may not be safe). This is a strictly “do what you feel comfortable” kind of educational experience. We definitely need to keep the pressure to a minimum.

I believe all of us can flirt. And most of us should flirt. For anyone who doesn’t want to, there are plenty of other worthwhile hobbies out there! No one is saying it’s necessary. But I’ll tell you, it’s sure been fun in my life.

The Classes:

In Flirting 101, we cover a number of topics:

*Body language: how to interpret it and how to use it

*Places to meet new people

* How to become more comfortable talking to people you don’t know

*Flirting fails (trust me, it’s more fun to talk about then you’d think)

*How to be brave and seize the moment (sounds cheesy, will make more sense in class)

*How to improve confidence

*And let’s not forget, HOMEWORK

*Oh, and practice sessions. That’s the good stuff.

*And a whole bunch of other topics I forgot to mention

Did I forget to mention people have met in my class? Like people who are currently MARRIED?